Course Updates: Known Consignor Operator

We are pleased to announce that our Known Consignor course has been updated. Formerly known as the Known Consignor (KC) 1-7 course, following changes in legislation the course has now been updated

Known Consignor Operator

The new Known Consignor (KC) Operator course is perfect for individuals that were previously enrolling onto our Known Consignor 1-7 course. The KC Operator course is in 8 parts, based on the relevant sections of DfT Modules 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The online Known Consignor course is generic, i.e. it covers the common requirements of all staff. However, for your staff to be considered competent by your Responsible Person additional training must be undertaken covering anything specific to your company and the trainees role and work place. This course is available from Training Team as in-house training or as a webinar.

Team Members already enrolled?

If you have a team member you have already enrolled onto our KC 1-7 and they have not completed it, they have been automatically enrolled onto our new Operator course. If you have a team member that has completed the course after 20 July 2023 we have sent an email offering them a new complimentary Known Consignor Operator course. Please note: This course must be completed to remain compliant. If your candidate has not received this email, please get in touch

Known Consignor Driver

We will soon be launching our Known Consignor Driver course. The course will be available in the same format as the Known Consignor Operator course, but is tailored to only include the modules relevant to the driver allowing you to train your team more efficiently.